Let me kick this post off by saying outright, FORGET the junk cliché that “respect is earned”. That is nonsense. It is illogical. It is misleading and impractical, and it flies in the face of our rights. Likewise, it is one of those internet clichés that are devoid of all truth, and that gets people to believe something that isn't true.
We are all strangers to many other people. The wild internet claim that a stranger first has to earn one's respect is harmful to your right to be treated properly. The superior idiot with his victim-mentality that came up with that saying only earned himself a kick in the balls, that's what.
Let me briefly go off track here. By using the words above, Big Brother, or Big Tech as the diplomatic ones among you call them, are likely to ban or downgrade the reach of this post. How dare I say that a prick deserves a kick in the balls, huh?! Call in the Orwellian 1984 police to limit my right to freedom of expression!
This is why I am busy switching from Big Tech to The People's Tech, devilishly labeled by scum like Mark Zuckerberg (owner of Facebook, which will pump your ass in FB jail when you use the words 'Adolf Hitler' in any context on his spyware site) as 'right-wing'.
Listen, American-Jewish Zuckie, I'll say whatever I want to say, and those that don't agree with it, have no right to limit my right to freedom of expression. They have the right to object by using the commenting section to say their say and to debunk any untrue claims I may have made. So use that right, and don't dare to trample on my rights. That's what the First Amendment is all about!
Instead of 'canceling out' people with different view points, rather go tell your religious junk buddies in Israel to stop bombing children and women just because they believe in different fairy tales. You are busy cultivating new terrorists all over the Middle East.
Okay, back to the topic. An inferior-dressed baboon with perverse issues about shagging his granny dished up the saying that 'respect is earned.' Basically, the scumdrizzle said that you owe nobody respect until s/he has earned it. In practice, it means that if you own a shop, and a customer walks in, you can treat that person like trash, until the person has 'earned your respect'. How, by doing the same to you and maybe even teach you some manner for infringing on his right to be treated decently? See how wrong and illogical that saying is?
I don't know any successful person who treats others with disrespect from the get-go, so my conclusion is that it's a plain little loser who couldn't stand up against his narcissistic mommy bullying him. He then started advocating for the respect she's not affording him.
You, me, and everyone else owe everyone a basic level of respect, until that person deserves it no more. Period. Go and meme it to set the record straight.
Okay, no period. Let me continue, because I'm a pretty mouthy guy. Nobody with good manners treats someone you haven't met before with disrespect from the very first second. No, you say politely hello, you inquire how they are, even with a disrespectful 'howzit' from a millennial. You first determine if it's a skunk or another person with good manners in front of you before you decide with how much respect to treat that person. It is not rocket science.
You thus affords the person some basic respect until the person has shown his/her true pelt colors. When did that person earn that? From the moment your good background and manners kicked in when the person appeared in your sight. Now I can say, period.
Oh wait, no, I first have to say, fook Mark Zuckerberg and all his cronies and his substandard type of trash that somehow gained the right to determine what we, the people are allowed to say online.
Share the fookerberg out of this post!
P.S: Be a good human and support my mission to get people to think and improve the way they think about themselves by at least taking a look at the Think and Grow Rich Power Pack, please.