Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Study: Depressed or Down? Classical Music Boost Positivity More than Previously Thought


Depression will affect 50% of people during their lifetimes. And all of us have our downtimes, due to stress and more. An easy, quick, and safe way to give the brain a healthy boost of positivity, is by listening to classical music, a study has found.

Don't let the fancy title of the article confuse you, read more here:

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Nothing grows in your comfort zone

Just after coming across the previous meme where I said something about change, I found this one. And it says it all. The inside of the jar is both comforting and safe, and uncomfortable and unsafe. But most people are afraid of change, of making the right decisions, of taking a leap of faith. So they remain put, they keep on making the same mistakes as before, until they look back years later with utter regret. Because then it's too late.

Humorous life advice about changing your mind

This meme is, of course, sarcastic. Seen from another angle. But quite striking. Don't grow, rather stagnate. Avoid change, stay in that uncomfortable, damaging comfort zone. Because change leads to growth.

Consistency is vital for happiness and success

 Keep on grinding those daily steps to get to your goal. All the big platforms, like YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, and others makes it clear that regular, consistent posting and uploading of videos is crucial, so that's a lesson I've learned. Similarly, one needs to determine a series of good habits, and do it daily. Habits are, after all, just consistent actions.

Enjoy life's journey to the fullest

Maybe not stand on a banana peel next time you attend a funeral, Chuckie.

It matters what you are doing

 Ah, at last, now I'm getting the chance to debunk a meme. This one is not entirely true, so don't make it your day's motto. Of course it matters what others are doing when you love them! The reason we have friends is that we are interested in what they're doing. And if they're talking behind your back about you, it matters to you! So, meme debunked. The internet is a better place now.

Grow silently and steadily

 I wanted to ridicule this after thinking of a Chinese doctor joke, but the sentiment is too true for that. Anything can be broken fast, but it takes time to build it. A brilliant future takes a while to build, but destroying value with one stupid act is easy.

Do it poorly rather than nothing perfectly

 Rather do something poorly, than doing nothing perfectly. Read this again.

WHY are you not making your hobby or passion your source of income?

 From the same article I mentioned in another post, this screenshot. I am a huge advocate that people should only do a job they have a passion for, preferably self-employed. Why would anyone want to spend 8 or more hours every day, plus another hour or two on the road to work, out of 16 hours awake, when one can rather do what you love?

When I become president of the world, I'll make it compulsory for everyone over 18 to have their skills and passions tested. It is astonishing, but if you ask a 100 people what their dream job is, they'll tell you it's not their current job. Why on earth are they not following their own passions, and rather that of someone else that do?

Anything can be monetized, and an income derived from, but the problem is, most people are afraid of themselves. They don't do introspection, and they shy away from analyzing their own strengths and weaknesses. Do yourself a favor: Invest in yourself. Get to know yourself. Ask yourself some uncomfortable questions, like: What is my one big dream? Where exactly do I want to be over exactly five years from now? And what is my exact plan and steps to get there? 99% of people cannot answer these basic questions clearly and on the spot. Can you?


Be prepared even during times of peace

 Life is, unfortunately, all about the strongest person wins. We are not in our cavemen days anymore, so I'm not talking about physical fights here. I have personally met some real geeks, that I'm more cautious about, than some big potato heads with muscles. It's all about acquiring some special skills that gives you leverage when a crisis pops up. If you're not strong, use your brain to win a battle and ultimately the war, that we call Life.

Stop exercising and start training


I'm a bit conflicted about this wisdom on the meme. It's a screenshot I took from an article, making a point that is highly debatable.

Isn't life a journey? Should we not enjoy the trip? But the article says one should focus on a goal, like going to the gym to exercise, to accomplish something at a later date. While that's true, how about going for a walk, why have an end goal in sight? Why not just enjoy the walk, while also having an end point in mind?

Few people enjoy a gym, that's why so many people stop going before their contracts expire. Those that stick it out all have goals, like losing some weight that they can measure, or a certain number of exercises they can perform, or to get fit for an athletic event. But the artificial exercise itself they don't really enjoy, at least not day after day. They keep on going, because they keep their goal in mind.

In my humble opinion, one should enjoy the steps as well towards a goal one is passionate about. Keep an eye on the goal, but admire the scenery while enjoying the journey at the same time.

To get myself fit, I dropped out of gym, and started walking through the woods with a backpack. It doesn't feel like exercise, but it certainly helped my physique a lot. I enjoy each step, while being happy when I reach a certain point on the route.


Determine your own timeline to accomplish goals

 This meme is pretty much a cliché these days. Everyone has seen it all over social media. It's true that one should not focus on age when accomplishing something.

The British actor Michael Caine bought his first car at age 35, being too broke before then. And he did it with some sweet revenge, too. He went to a Bentley dealership in ordinary clothes, right after getting his pay check for his first breakthrough movie.
The salesman treated him like dirt. Then he went over to the Rolls-Royce dealership across the road, where a salesman had some good manners. An hour or three later, Caine pulled out in a new Rolls-Royce, then he circled the block, honking each time he passed the Bentley dealership. Let this motivate you to go make a movie.


Your priorities explain why you look like you look like :D

 I wish more people would pay attention to this. Priorities. So many people are stupid enough to screw up their future by doing things that jeopardize their long-term happiness. People wanting instant satisfaction, and in the process destroying a bigger satisfaction in the future just around the corner, with deceit and lies. They don't succeed in fooling anyone but themselves. What people prioritize are there for everyone to see.

Do as a clock and keep going

Don't give up. Turn your ultimate dream into a goal by adding a date to it, type out the steps to get there, and start doing it. Don't quit. Balance your attention between the small steps and the big goal, and keep working that plan. Occasionally adjust the steps, but keep your passion for your goal, and work your plan.

Your Habits Today determine What You Will be Tomorrow

 Habits today determine success or failure tomorrow. Establish a firm routine full of good habits, and stick to it. Reprogram your mind for success, do exercise daily and eat non-processed foods for a healthy body, and you're set for a life filled with happiness and success.

Your biggest asset is your mindset


True! There's no wealthy person in the world with a poor mindset, and no happy person with an unhappy mindset, and no healthy person with an unhealthy mindset.

Confront your fears today, do what you are scared to do


Fear is your only real enemy. That's why people don't follow the advice on the meme. People fall into a comfort zone, even when they hate it and their circumstances, and they get trapped for years. They enjoy the parts of an inconvenient journey, without having a plan to get out of that comfort zone.

Get up and make things happen


Wow. Harsh, I say. Unfortunately, true. If you don't have a real partner that really loves you, you'll only have yourself to get through every crisis. Many that pretend to be friends are only after what they can get out of you, the party times, and all secretly hoping to get laid for a one-night-stand. They are the ones that disappear into thin air the day you really need them. Don't let their smooth words fool you, look at their actions, how they treated others before. When the fancy wears off, that's how they will treat you, too. Save yourself by making the right decisions, and make things work out for you. Have a dream, add a date to make it a goal, draw up a plan with detailed steps, and work that plan.

What you think and do you become

 One finds this saying in many forms, probably because it is so true. What you think about, you become. Your thoughts influence your actions, which will either attract more good, or more bad things to happen. What you believe, you do. And every action has a counter-action from those affected by what you did.

Cry if you want on the right shoulder

Strongly agrees, and disagrees. Strangers don't care, but a loved one does. Cry when you want, reach out for help, and let a special someone helps you back up when you fall. Pride kept many people down. Having too stiff a spine will break you. Willows bent in the storm, while the more rigid oak breaks. Just never ask the wrong people, because they always want something in return, while initially hiding it well.

Hiking is nature's medicine for peace

Hiking! Who else likes going for a walk with a backpack through the woods, seeing some breathtaking scenery, feeling that energy and peace around you, and warm sunlight baking all sorrows away. No better exercise without it feeling like that, while enjoying nature and taking photos. Or a brisk walk early in the morning, just as the sun rises over a new beginning.


You are not getting another life

 'nuff said. I don't know how old you, my valued reader is, but I do know that you will never again be as young as you are today. Don't wait till it is too late, to start finishing off your bucket list. Do you even have a bucket list? Goals? Dreams? A clearly typed out plan with daily steps? You are your own biggest investment, or liability. Choose wisely. Make your life worth living. Take risks. Take that leap of faith in yourself and the one you love. 

Destination addiction spoils happiness along the journey

This meme is deep. One has to have a clear, big goal, and several smaller ones called steps. But to only focus on that big goal means one misses the enjoyment of getting there, the journey, accomplishing the small goals.

At the same time, one cannot only focus on the journey, because if you take your eyes off the big goal too long, you start taking shortcuts, or loses focus, or loses your passion to really live.

You should be afraid of your comfort zone, especially when you're unhappy there. There is no real growth in a comfort zone. Eventually you'll adapt to it, stagnates, and never be really happy. That is a life unlived.

Have a big goal, many small steps, and celebrate each step along the journey to that one big goal. And do not let fear, insecurity, uncertainty, or a lack of faith distract you. Push on, stick it out, and great things are guaranteed to happen.

Make peace with your past and move on


The past is the past. Leave it there. Mistakes were made, slaps were dished out, parties got out of control, weddings were crashed. It's done, over. Choose today to make the right decisions based on life's lessons learned, and form the right habits. Because we are the results of what we regularly do, and we have the wisdom not to repeat yesterday's mistakes. Make today a new beginning.

Master self-control and keep your emotions in check

 Do not allow your emotions to control how you react to a situation. As in a video I made, the key is to respond to a situation, not to react. There is an important distinction. Whatever happens today, happens. But how you respond - not react - to it, is up to you. You have that superpower to deal with a situation you deem the best, and in order to do it the best way, you need to keep a cool head. You get to choose if you're going to panic when your car's tire burst, or if you're going to take control by calmly handling the steering wheel. Be as chilled as a dangerous puff adder.

Should you keep your plans secret?

 Hm. This meme is debatable. Studies say that when you announce your future plans, it may compel you to actually do something to achieve it. However, we all know that when you say things to some 'friends', they'll try to drag you down while you're on your ladder to success. Who wants a friend that's better than them, right. Pure human nature.

In my opinion, one needs confidantes. And whom better than the person you love most. Share your dreams, goals, plans, and get that person to buy in to it too. Working with a loved one is beneficial to both, and together one can accomplish great things. Most if not all the world's biggest winners all had a husband or wife supporting them. You require a sounding board, a friendly critic that's more objective than you, to point out flaws and pitfalls, and give some ideas on how to overcome those. But together you'll win.


One Kierkegaard is high on catnip

 I have no idea what the guy means with this. I understand how to put out a fire, does that makes me a fireman? I understand how women feel, does that gives me tits? Kierkegaard, stop smoking that catnip, man.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Get a cause, identify a goal, live for something!

Have one big goal. Choose one worthy cause. Pick your passion, something you really love. Make it your work, your source of income. Your passion will get you to become an expert, thus adding value to other people's lives. Live for something, or someone. Yes, you can live for someone, take that leap of faith, and invest your energy and love into someone or something. But, live life. Leave a legacy of passion.

Fear the regret that comes with an unlived life

Nothing is as bad as regret. Knowing you could, and should have taken a risk, and yet you didn't, till it's too late. That regret pains many, many people. Therefore, live today. Do something you always wanted to do, even a small, obscure, unique, unusual task. Let me give you one silly example. Pluck a flower, rob it of its life (I did say it's a silly example?), approach a stranger on the street, and give the flower to him or her. I bet 99 out of a 100 people reading this suggestion, won't have the guts to do it… But if you're that 1%, you'll be amazed by the results. Both for you, and the recipient.


Confront your fears today and live life to its fullest

 Live dangerously. Stand up today, and confront your fears. Don't like a task you have to do, even a chore, and therefore procrastinating? See it as a threat, something you for some unknown reason fear doing, and then do it. Once you finished it, congratulate yourself, tell yourself you have just tackled a fear and that you conquered it. Even a menial task. Try it.


Nothing else than your mind is bothering you

 A wise monk. For one person, something is no problem, while the same something is a major issue for someone else. It's all about programming your mind the right way to deal with issues.


Four things you cannot get back

 You won't read anything more true than this today. But people don't think about what they say that hurt others, they waste their precious time by taking illogical, harmful actions just to scratch an itch that destroys their happiness in the future.

Reprogram your mindset for guaranteed weight-loss

Not strictly a meme, rather a screenshot I took of a guy in a RV group I belong to. This Dennis Ladyzhensky was... uhm... overweight, but just look at the remarkable difference in a few short months. To accomplish it, the first and most important thing he did was to get his mindset right. He reprogrammed his mind to change his beliefs about food and exercise, then it was easy to build certain habits to permanently lose that much weight. The secret is, changing your mind, in order to adapt new healthy habits that will stick. It really is as simple as that!


Invest in success by reprogramming yourself

 Isn't this meme totally true?! The brain is 'just' an organ like the liver, kidneys, lungs, and more. When one of those organs hurts, the patient is quick to go see a doctor. But for the most important organ, the brain, people make little time to take care of its health. At most a pain pill against headache, which only masks the pain but does not address the issue. It's like wiping a computer clean instead of keeping its software up to date. Don't be like them, pay attention to your brain and mind in there. 

Reprogram your mindset for health, wealth, and success. Study every self-help book you can find, and actually apply what you have learned. Six months later people won't recognize the new improved you.


What are you without your dreams?

 I regularly ask people what their dreams are. Disappointingly enough, many have no real dreams, just some vague castles in the sky. Others, that do have more defined dreams, have no plan to get to it. Which means, they will just never get anywhere, they are ships without rudders that get pushed to where others with plans push them to.

One cannot reach a dream, only a goal. And for that, one needs to have a plan typed out with all the steps, tied to dates, and to work that plan. But how many people that you know do it? Winners in society all have a plan typed out, that they review daily, before tackling the steps in there. Do the same.

Without a dream, that you convert into clear goals, and with firm steps to get to it, what empty life is that? It inevitably leads to tremendous regret later in life. Don't be scared, go sit down and write down where you want to be over exactly 5 years from today, and you'll be surprised how many people cannot even do this. They are scared of themselves, and you may be the same. But you can change that, just start working on a goal + plan right now.

Overthinking leads to procrastination, so go forth and just do it

 I am an overthinker. And so are millions of other people. While thinking is magic, too much of it puts one in a flat spin, and it can be outright dangerous. Plus, it leads to procrastination, or to always want to be perfect, en then not getting anything done.

Many times, one already knows what you want to do and must do, and the best thing to do then, is to actually just do it without further thinking. I myself planned this blog and my Facebook page for months, and kept on postponing. Then, at last, I decided to just do it. Put up the FB page a while ago, post memes that have meaning to me and that will hopefully help a very special person and others, and to create videos that will make an impact.

I appreciate everyone that types out a comment, leaves a like, and follows my page and blog, because it tells me I helped someone. In some cases, a single meme or post can change someone's life, without me knowing it. At the end of the day, one's value to society is determined by the value you add to society.

Do it now or face regret forever


William Shakespeare said something like “Come what come may, time and the hour runs through the roughest day.” Meaning, whatever bad things happen today, time waits for nobody, the day will pass.
  But the flipside is, a good day also flies past, you have to grab - or spit on, in Hawk Tuah-style - that thing and enjoy it. The enemy is time, one has to utilize it in full while you can still do things. Like travel, just do it. Even if you have to sell some possessions, or hitchhike, or whatever. But that dream you keep on putting off, may soon not be reachable anymore if you don't get to it ASAP. Rather make mistakes and be sorry, than to regret not doing it at all.

You should worry about both your character and reputation

 Hm. I need a debate about this. Found the meme on Facebook, and I beg to oh so slightly differ. The meme kind of says, 'worry about your character, not what people think about you.' And that's wrong.

Obviously one should strife towards a good character, like being honest, reputable (where the word reputation leads to!), and true to one's word, kind to others, and some more.

But reputation, should one not strife to build a good reputation too? If you're a salesman with a bad reputation, will you even get sales? So what people think of you is indeed important.

To prove it, look at the fortunes that business people, politicians, and celebs spend on PR-agencies to polish their public images, to influence what people think about them. Therefore, if someone is talking smack about you behind your back, stand up against that before other people start believing false rumors.

Thus, I'm debunking this empty internet cliché. Worry about both your character and reputation, and sue the living hell out of anyone that tarnish the latter.


Multitasking: The Time Bomb Frying Your Brain, Destroying Your Focus, and What to Do About It


We have all seen the busy young mother darting between the washing machine and saving two children from themselves in the sitting room, while managing a phone on the shoulder and keeping an eye on the stove. That's called multitasking, and especially single mothers perfected this 'skill' into an art. A very dangerous art, to themselves in later life, and to their loved ones that will be impacted.

In today's fast-paced world, multitasking has become an 'essential' skill for many individuals. (I put that essential in quotes, because it is not really an essential skill.) Several studies now show that the consequences of this practice on our brain and cognitive abilities are more alarming than we think. This article delves into those studies, the dangers of multitasking, its impact on our brain function, and provides practical steps to prevent such damage.

Multitasking: The Silent Killer of Cognitive Abilities

Multitasking is an illusion, a myth that has been perpetuated by the society's expectations of efficiency and productivity. In reality, when we attempt to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, our brains are unable to give each task the necessary focus and attention required for optimal performance. This results in decreased cognitive abilities, increased stress levels, and a higher risk of mental health issues. Numerous studies have proved this conclusively. (Links are at the bottom of this article.)

The brain cannot focus on more than two tasks at a time, and that on condition that each uses a different part of the brain, and merely keeps switching to and fro among them. Eventually, the brain permanently loses the ability to stay focused for long enough on any task to perform it properly, as it keeps on expecting an interruption that will need attention. Spotted someone with a short attention span? Blame multitasking. Don't even get me started on how short 10-second videos on TikTok and FB Reels contribute to this phenomenon.



Studies Show Multitasking Impairs Efficiency and Brain Health

Researchers have found that multitaskers exhibit reduced cognitive abilities compared to individuals who focus on one task at a time. 

A study conducted by the University of London discovered that people who are regularly bombarded with several streams of electronic information cannot pay attention, recall information, or switch from one job to another, as well as those who complete one task at a time. It takes up to 20 minutes for a person to become fully immersed in a task at hand, and when you become distracted by anything during this time, the brain has to start all over when you resume the task. While that sounds not that bad, the brain later keeps on expecting interruptions, making it more challenging — to the point of being plain impossible — to focus on one task at all.

According to what psychologists found, our brains were not designed for heavy-duty multitasking at all. It's one thing to carry a glass in one hand and a plate of food in another, versus trying to read an article while simultaneously trying to watch a movie. It just cannot be done (go try it yourself), but we humans still keep on trying, causing havoc in the brain.

The constant switching between tasks leads to an overload of neural connections, causing stress and anxiety. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology revealed that multitasking can impair our ability to learn new information and even damage our memory. And, it can be permanent. My take on this? Multitasking is literally making society dumber and more anxious.


The Physical Impact: Stress and Brain Rewiring

Multitasking is not only detrimental to cognitive abilities but also has physical consequences. Researchers have found that individuals who engage in this practice experience increased levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol, which can cause long-term damage to the brain. This nasty habit of so many people called multitasking has been shown to alter the structure and function of our brains, leading to rewiring and potentially causing permanent damage.


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